Product Review: Book “The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body through Intermittent, Alternate-day and Extended

Product:  “The Complete Guide to Fasting:  Heal Your Body through Intermittent, Alternate-day and Extended” by Jason Fung and Jimmy Moore, October 16, 2016.

Purchase:  The Complete Guide to Fasting

Cost:  Estimated >$21

My Rating5 star image

Target Audience:  Health-conscious men or women who are interested in the newer “biohacking” methods and trying new things to benefit their health.



This is a popular book on fasting – specifically intermittent fasting – cowritten by Dr. Jason Fung and Jimmy Moore.


Who are these guys?

Dr. Jason Fung is a kidney specialist (Nephrologist) in Toronto, Canada.  During his years of treating his patients, he has made detailed observations about diabetes, blood sugar, the body’s reaction to carbs, glucose, and insulin.  In 2013, he published a range of theories relating to obesity and diabetes in a youtube series. Aetiology of Obesity YouTube Series.

During the course of treating thousands of patients, it became clear to Dr. Fung that type 2 diabetes and obesity was on an exponential rise and that the standard diet recommended (reducing dietary fat) was definitely not effective.  Type 2 diabetes were treated with more and more insulins and their insulin resistance worsened and more insulin was given – it was a vicious circle which didn’t help the diabetic.   Diabetes was considered non-curable.  Yet many of Dr. Fung’s patients were off insulins (as well as some other medications i.e., for blood pressure) after being treated by Dr. Fung’s team. Weight was lost and health improved as they continued with Fung’s recommendations.  He and his patients considered themselves “cured” as long as they continued eating the diet he proposed for maintenance. He started a program called Intensive Dietary Management  in which he provided patients with his special treatments for type 2 diabetes and obesity that is based on different dietary changes, not medications. He now takes patients via an online program too.

Jason’s Intensive Dietary Management blog provides a lot of information on his theorys and studies and the experiences with his many patients that he treats for different medial issues using his theories about carbs and fasting.

Jimmy Moore  entered the low carb and fasting arena in 2004 after a phenomenal 180-pound weight loss enabled him to come off prescription drugs for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and respiratory problems. He is the author and host of the very popular blog Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb and the host  of a popular high ranked oiTunes health podcast, The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show, as well as Low-Carb Conversations and Keto Talk. He has interviewed hundreds of of the world’s top health experts and has dedicated his life to helping people get the best information possible about nutrition  He’s also a  bestselling author of:


This book provides Dr. Fung’s and Jimy Moore’s idead and theories on fasting – specifically intermittent fasting and a low carb diet.  Dr. Fung began using a new approach to treating his kidney patients and found that the new method of lowcarb and fasting combined has been successful at removing all signs of type 2 diabetes and several other disorders like high blood pressure for his patients, as well as weight loss and reducing insulin resistance.  You will learn how he developed his new theories and methods and how to begin using these methods yourself.


Dr. Fung’s  Intensive Dietary Management website has testimonials from many of his patients that are inspiring and proves his patients are being helped by his methods.  I found his book one evening when I was very depressed about my uncontrolled BGLs and purchased it and read it in one night.  I fount as i followed his methods for 2 months, I regained control of my blood glucose numbers and finally reduced my insulin injects from 184 units each day to zero and allowed me to lose 20 pounds.  Unfortunately, a few weeks after that I became ill and was put on large doses of prednisone which raised my BGL drastically and created such a “hunger” that I fell off his protocol and began struggling with my diabetes again.  However, I know now that its works and I’m trying again to follow his protocol and stick with it until my insulin resistance is “cured”.


The benefits of practing fasting and intermittent fasting are many.

Here is a link to a discussion about some of the benefits Dr. Fung’s patients have described.


Very reasonable for under $21.00


In Conclusion

I highly recommend purchasing this book and learning about this new clearly effective approach to treating obesity, type 2 diabetes and more.  It has certainly changed my life.



Thanks for looking at my site and coming to this page. I would also love for you to leave any questions or comments below.  I enjoy talking about my experiences online and what has worked or not worked for me. – Shirley

Note: There are affiliate links included in this article which allows me to recieve a small commisison if an item is purchased (to help fund hosting this blog site) – with no increase in cost to the buyer.


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  1. This book provides Dr. Fung’s and Jimy Moore’s idead and theories on fasting
    Weight was lost and health improved as they continued with Fung’s recommendations.
    On another note have you read Keto Clarity? Why not review this book separately?

    How does Dr. Fung exactly implement the plan by intermittent fasting and diet. Can you show me how he does this step by step? I would like to start on a diet and perhaps some intermittent fasting.
    I thought type 2 diabetes was an incurable chronic disease and you are telling me that it is a curable disease, or at least Dr. Fung says that, how so?
    I do not understand how insulin resistance is a vicious cycle, can you explain that in a bit more detail?
    Or should I just buy the book?


    1. Dr. Fung describes in his book the rationale behind is claims and the steps he takes with his patients. He considers that Type 2 diabetes can be reversed and thus cured. Check out all the testimonials on his website – there is so much interesting information there. “Intensive Dietary Management”. You can join his community to learn more. – Shirley

  2. Hi Shirley,

    I absolutely loved reading your review on a “The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body through Intermittent, Alternate-day and Extended”.

    I was delighted to come across this post regarding Fasting since I am personally quite passionate about the topic due to its numerous amazing benefits. I have been intermittent fasting daily for two years, and i have to say that it has been nothing but beneficial to me.

    Intermittent fasting is still a concept that many aren’t aware of , and there are many sources of information out there that can be misleading. So it is great to know that you are providing valuable insight on sources of information that are legitimate

    I love your website and look forward to discovering more of your content

    with much love,

    1. Javi, thank you so much for visiting my site and reading my article. I’m a fan of intermittent fasting also and I love all the benefits it can give me. Thank you for your kind comments and visiting my site. – Shirley