Is it worth the pain and depression?

Do you ever get tired of it all? Some days I really do get tired of everything and wonder “why am I still here Lord?”  This rarely happens, but when I’ve been in pain for days on end, I can get pretty depressed and think those kind of thoughts. Living with chronic pain Actually I can’t …

Success – Weight is going down!

Weight loss Success Since my last post, I’ve been doing so well.  After the 10 pound backsliding gain, I’m doing great with losing that. This morning my scale sat at 261.2 pounds, very close to that 257 I had reached before the holidays. I’m keeping up with my breathing exercises.  I’m doing them at least …

One step backward!

Healthy salad Two steps forward, one step Backward – my life! I know my last post was so positive, however, I managed to blow it once again.  The holidays got to me and I did a backslide. Actually instead of losing, I managed to gain back up to 269 – instead of losing.  I did …

My ongoing weight loss journey through deep breathing!

Losing weight by breathing Yes, I’m continuing my journey using deep breathing for weight loss.  I’m still at 20 pounds lost.  However, I’m only doing one deep breathing exercise per day (a set of six).  And I’m keeping this weight off.  This is so exciting for me.  I’ve never been able to lose weight and …

I’m healed of feet ulcers at last!

Released from care! Eight days ago I was released as a patient by my wound care doctor.  This ended  an 8-month journey of severe pain, great fear of amputations and searching for correct care-givers. I can’t explain the sheer joy I’ve felt from being declared “healed” after all this time and all I’ve been through …

Prednisone – handling this strong medicine as a diabetic!

Corticosteroids and Your Blood Glucose Prednisone is considered to be a corticosteriod(which mimics hormones produced by your adrenal glands) and is used to reduce inflammation from many illnesses, like vasculitis, myositis, and rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and others. It is also used to suppress your immune system as in helping to reduce rejection of organs. Corticosteroids can …

Time flies when you are in pain!

Time is passing Back on December first, I really thought I was turning the corner on this case of leg and feet ulcers, but boy was I wrong.  I’ve had three more months of pain and worry since then.  The only moment of light was when I visited my rheumatologist and after telling him about …

The Pain of Neuropathy – Oh Yes!

Now I know?* I’ve been a type 2 diabetic for many years now and each time I’ve visited my endocrinologist (my diabetic doc), he asks me about neuropathy and do I need more meds for it. I have never really known what he was talking about because as I wrote in a previous post, I’ve …

Diabetic Complications -the dreaded foot ulcer!

Diabetic Foot Ulcers As a diabetic, my greatest fear has been the potential of complications leading to limb amputation. For me, this is the ultimate dread created from my disease.  Thus, I have been very careful to watch my feet and take good care of them by: Daily inspection Daily washing and careful drying Using moisturizer …

The importance of testing! (free excel spreadsheet)

Importance of Blood Glucose Testing I know none of us enjoy the finger prick and testing of our blood glucose (BG) levels.  But we should truly be aware that this is very important for keeping this disease under control. By keeping our BG levels under control, we help lengthen our lives and certainly avoid some of …