The Power of NO!

What do I Mean by the Power of NO? This week I have been reading and researching NO. I’m not talking about the word “NO,” but the molecule NO (made up of one atom of Nitrogen and one atom of Oxygen). I’m talking about “nitric oxide.” I’ve been learning about NO from reading various articles on …

Exercise for the Non-walking Diabetic

Getting rid of that Leaned over Humped Back Stance Hi there, this is Shirley and I’m back to talk with you about exercise today. Since I’m in a wheelchair a lot of the time, I find that getting any kind of exercise is pretty difficult. But I do try to get some in. I especially …

Would you Like to Reduce your Medication – Maybe come off it entirely?

Leo Ford – His Story My name is Catherine and my husband Leo is shown below in this blog post about his story Leo was born just after the Second World War when life was very different to today. He was born in London England and there was still rationing after the Second World War. …

De-Mystifying Colesterol!

Let’s Learn about Cholesterol Together Every time I go to a doc and have tests, I hear about cholesterol but I’ve never really understood why its so important and how can I make my levels turn into good ones.  So, in educating myself, I have researched it and following is some of the information I …

My Lab Report/A1c level

Latest Lab Report I received my latest lab report from my endocrinologist (diabetes doc) today.  As I suspected, it was not so great.  I knew my BG (blood glucose)  had been out of control before I saw him last and I was correct.  My A1c (glucose attached to red blood cells) was 9.1 with my …

My Healthy Smoothie Recipe

Drinking my Smoothie I’m sitting here typing and enjoying my delicious  healthy smoothie.  Since I’m really concentrating on healing my fatty liver right now, I’ve been fixing myself smoothies with healthy ingredients. I’ve purchased a Hamilton Beach, single serve smoothie blender (not expensive at all, under $20) to use when I make my smoothies. Here is …

Apple Cider Vinegar Every Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Its the Apples Dummy! We have all hear the saying: An Apple a day Keeps the Doctor Away”   Well instead of an apple a day, I take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (ACV) before a large meal.  The pectin in apples is an insoluble fiber that induces a feeling of fullness.  Apple Cider Vinegar …

Why I eat Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil Has Had a Bad Rap! Yes coconut oil is a saturated fat, which is bad, right? Not always.  In the case of coconut oil, the saturated fat takes the form of lauric acid, which is a medium-chain fat that metabolizes more easily into energy and does not store as fat. As for coconut …

Obsessed with my Liver!

Here I go again about the liver! I might seem to be somewhat obsessed about my liver (lol!) but the more I read, the more I become concerned about my “Fatty Liver Disease”.  According Dr. Sandra Cabot, fatty Liver can: Ruin your health Make you overweight Stop you from losing weight Make you diabetic Cause …

Sleep and Weight Loss

We need our Beauty Sleep   As a prolific reader, I’m always reading something, especially about health.  Last week I was reading an eBook called “Lights Out – Sleep, Sugar and Survival.” I learned I really need to turn off all lights when I sleep (I have a bad habit of falling asleep with the …