When Sitting Hurts!

Sitting Too Long is Not Good! I’ve spent a lot of time sitting since 2014 when I had my severe bout with diabetic feet and leg ulcers.  That is what put me in this wheelchair.  Since then, my body has been in the sitting position most of each day.  My butt and hips hurt a …

Freedom from Diabetes and Chronic Pain

My Water Therapy – why I love it! One of the habits that I have taken up to help with my diabetes and pain is water exercise.  I must say this is one of the few things that is always enjoyable that I do for my health. Swimming and water exercise is often recommended for …

Definitely Back on Track

I think I’m Back On Track After a pretty much wasted month of March, I think I’m back on track.  I’m doing alternate day fasting and I am doing much less nibbling/breaking during my fasting times.  I’m also continuing to do the exercises for my back and hip that I blogged about a few days …

My Cure is in Sight!

My Intermittent Fasting is Definitely Working I just finished fixing my husband a brunch of bacon, eggs and toast.  And all the time I did not crave food.  I’ve been fasting now for over 42 hours and I did not get hungry while cooking his meal.  Overall, this is the easiest “diet” I haven undertaken …

Exercise for the Non-walking Diabetic

Getting rid of that Leaned over Humped Back Stance Hi there, this is Shirley and I’m back to talk with you about exercise today. Since I’m in a wheelchair a lot of the time, I find that getting any kind of exercise is pretty difficult. But I do try to get some in. I especially …

Started my own personal “Biggest Loser” program today

Losing that body fat   My friends in my water aerobic class have been debating what to do exercise-wise when we can no longer go to the outdoor pool.  That day is pretty much here unless we get some very warm weather next week.  We all dread stopping for the winter and getting all out …