The 31 Day Keto Challenge – Take it!

I Challenge You! After a slow July, at least as far as my weight loss and health goals are concerned, I’m heading into August with a brand new initiative.  Starting today I am beginning my 31-Day Keto Eating Challenge. From July 27th through August 26th, 2017 I will be living a “keto lifestyle”. What do …

New Pictures taken Today

  Took New Pictures Today This is after 112 days practicing Intermittent Fasting. Down almost 30 pounds. Lost 15 inches overall. Insulins reduced by over 2/3 most of the time. Went from size 4X to size 2X clothing.                                   …

A Month Wasted

My One Month Fail   I have to admit to having a very bad month since February 26th.  I found that after my trip to take food photos, I got off my fasting/feeding schedule and slid backwards.  I had so much trouble with my fasting times.  My hunger came back strong and I began to …

Slowly Making Progress Again

I’m Finally Making Progress Again I did plateau for a while after my trip out of town and the food photo shoot.  It seems like it took forever to get back into a groove. I was so messed up with my blood glucose levels that I’m back taking insulin several times a day – not …

17 Down, Less than 100 to go!

CONTINUING TO LOSE WEIGHT! This is Day 34 of my journey in  intermittent fasting and I’m down 17.4 pounds and practically off my insulins.  This is the best thing I’ve ever found for my diabetes and my health.  My fibromyalgia pain is almost all gone too.  As for the experience, its been great.  I continue …

My Fasting Ups and Downs

Each Day Has its Own Ups and Downs I continue my journey with IF (intermittent fasting) to cure my diabetes and to lose weight.  Today is Day 22.  I’ve had such awesome success these 3 weeks of fasting for my health.  I have lost just under 15 pounds, reduced my insulins from 182 to 10 …

My Cure is in Sight!

My Intermittent Fasting is Definitely Working I just finished fixing my husband a brunch of bacon, eggs and toast.  And all the time I did not crave food.  I’ve been fasting now for over 42 hours and I did not get hungry while cooking his meal.  Overall, this is the easiest “diet” I haven undertaken …

Success With Intermittent Fasting

Success at Last! I’m continuing on my journey with intermittent fasting (IF).  Since I started this journey on December 11th, I have lost almost 10 pounds (from 160 to 150.8). I’m also noticing that my tummy is becoming a little flatter (so nice!).   But the best result is that my insulin requirements have dropped dramatically.  From …

Curing My Diabetes!

Will this Cure Me? This week I decided to cure my diabetes.  This disease has disrupted my life over and over and I have suffered lots of pain, frustration and even fear over the years.  Plus treating it has been pretty expensive both money wise and time wise.  I discovered a book by Dr. Jason Fung …