Its So Easy for me to Lose Ground!

I Fell off the Wagon I was doing so good but now I’ve found how easy it is for me to fall back and lose ground. Speaking of falling back – I did it – literally.  On a Wednesday night at church, I was rolling my wheelchair backward up a sidewalk (I do that because its so hard to push myself …

17 Down, Less than 100 to go!

CONTINUING TO LOSE WEIGHT! This is Day 34 of my journey in  intermittent fasting and I’m down 17.4 pounds and practically off my insulins.  This is the best thing I’ve ever found for my diabetes and my health.  My fibromyalgia pain is almost all gone too.  As for the experience, its been great.  I continue …

Continuing My Cure!

Beginning My Journey of IF (Intermittent Fasting) I began this journey on Sunday, December 11, 2017.  A couple of weeks before that I had one of my few bouts with depression when it hit me that my daughter and her family, including my two precious and adorable grandsons, had only six more weeks until they moved out …

Experiencing a diabetic low (hypoglycemia)

What a hypoglycemic attack is like? Many people may wonder (even some new diabetics) what a hypoglycemia attack or a diabetic low  feels like.  I’ve had many of them and while I’ve never been so low as to lose consciousness or require hospitalization, none of them have been any fun. What is a diabetic “low”? …

Lets follow Hippocrates advice

Hippocrates had some good advice Hippocrates said “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food” -Hippocrates Hippocrates was one of the most important figures in establishing medicine as a profession.  He lived around 300-400 years BC.  He founded the Hippocratic School of Medicine and is thought of as the Father of …

Encouraged by my Whole30 diet

It Starts With Food Its been a while since I posted because I’ve been in lots of pain and discomfort and extremely busy with helping get our home decluttered so every room can be repainted.  I’m also reorganizing all the drawers and closets to clear out stuff we don’t use anymore. We had our old …

My ongoing weight loss journey through deep breathing!

Losing weight by breathing Yes, I’m continuing my journey using deep breathing for weight loss.  I’m still at 20 pounds lost.  However, I’m only doing one deep breathing exercise per day (a set of six).  And I’m keeping this weight off.  This is so exciting for me.  I’ve never been able to lose weight and …

Finally – Weight loss Success!

Finally able to Lose Weight I’ve been carrying around lots of extra weight ever since I was pregnant with my only child. Jennifer was born in 1988 and I gained 60 pounds during my pregnancy – mostly during the last trimester (months 7-9)   My back went out on me during my seventh month and I …

Diabetic Complications – Keeping Your Feet!

Caring for Your Diabetic Feet Ever since I found out I was diabetic, I’ve had fears of complications to my legs and feet. In fact, this is my greatest fear, not the increased risk for heart disease, blindness, or kidney or even liver failure. Although, these things are very legitimate fears that I have worried …

My Lab Report/A1c level

Latest Lab Report I received my latest lab report from my endocrinologist (diabetes doc) today.  As I suspected, it was not so great.  I knew my BG (blood glucose)  had been out of control before I saw him last and I was correct.  My A1c (glucose attached to red blood cells) was 9.1 with my …