My Fasting Ups and Downs

Each Day Has its Own Ups and Downs I continue my journey with IF (intermittent fasting) to cure my diabetes and to lose weight.  Today is Day 22.  I’ve had such awesome success these 3 weeks of fasting for my health.  I have lost just under 15 pounds, reduced my insulins from 182 to 10 …

Continuing My Cure!

Beginning My Journey of IF (Intermittent Fasting) I began this journey on Sunday, December 11, 2017.  A couple of weeks before that I had one of my few bouts with depression when it hit me that my daughter and her family, including my two precious and adorable grandsons, had only six more weeks until they moved out …

Curing My Diabetes!

Will this Cure Me? This week I decided to cure my diabetes.  This disease has disrupted my life over and over and I have suffered lots of pain, frustration and even fear over the years.  Plus treating it has been pretty expensive both money wise and time wise.  I discovered a book by Dr. Jason Fung …

My weight loss journey continues

It’s all about Food Well, its been a while since I’ve blogged my journey.  As I continue eating the “whole30” way, and researching this way of eating (WOE), I am more and more in favor of this WOE. I’ve managed to keep to my 26 pound weight loss (gaining back around 4 pounds from my high …

Success – Weight is going down!

Weight loss Success Since my last post, I’ve been doing so well.  After the 10 pound backsliding gain, I’m doing great with losing that. This morning my scale sat at 261.2 pounds, very close to that 257 I had reached before the holidays. I’m keeping up with my breathing exercises.  I’m doing them at least …

One step backward!

Healthy salad Two steps forward, one step Backward – my life! I know my last post was so positive, however, I managed to blow it once again.  The holidays got to me and I did a backslide. Actually instead of losing, I managed to gain back up to 269 – instead of losing.  I did …

My ongoing weight loss journey through deep breathing!

Losing weight by breathing Yes, I’m continuing my journey using deep breathing for weight loss.  I’m still at 20 pounds lost.  However, I’m only doing one deep breathing exercise per day (a set of six).  And I’m keeping this weight off.  This is so exciting for me.  I’ve never been able to lose weight and …

Prednisone – handling this strong medicine as a diabetic!

Corticosteroids and Your Blood Glucose Prednisone is considered to be a corticosteriod(which mimics hormones produced by your adrenal glands) and is used to reduce inflammation from many illnesses, like vasculitis, myositis, and rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and others. It is also used to suppress your immune system as in helping to reduce rejection of organs. Corticosteroids can …

Apple Cider Vinegar Every Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Its the Apples Dummy! We have all hear the saying: An Apple a day Keeps the Doctor Away”   Well instead of an apple a day, I take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (ACV) before a large meal.  The pectin in apples is an insoluble fiber that induces a feeling of fullness.  Apple Cider Vinegar …

Why I eat Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil Has Had a Bad Rap! Yes coconut oil is a saturated fat, which is bad, right? Not always.  In the case of coconut oil, the saturated fat takes the form of lauric acid, which is a medium-chain fat that metabolizes more easily into energy and does not store as fat. As for coconut …